Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter Cookies

Three years ago I learned how to make butter cookies frosted with a heavy cream and powdered sugar icing. Over the years, I added Christmas cookies (ornaments and snowflakes) to my design repetoire. I’m getting better and faster but it still is a three day project: Day #1 to make the cookies; Day# 2 to do colors and Day #3 to pipe the edging and designs and let them dry so they are transportable.

It’s a lot of work but it’s a great creative outlet for me. All I need is the time to do it…and then of course, more and more people want me to make them. I’m getting to the point where I am pretty proud of what I am making every Easter and Christmas!

I am showing some photos of what I made for Easter this year. Easter actually sneaked up on me and I didn’t realize it was on April 3rd so I did not set aside the normal 3 days to do this project. AAAUUUGH! It was a quickie project this years so I didn’t do as many fancy designs (flowers, scenery, etc.) so they were the basic Easter cookie designs with a few that were more elaborate. They are self-explanatory so I’ll just put the photos below for you to view.

I hope you enjoy the photos. Happy Easter!

1 comment:

MaggieB said...

OMGoodness... you actually EAT these? I don't know that I could eat such works of art!

They are as beautiful as I am sure they taste!
